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two brothers,

... to build extraordinary places and thereby of- fer people special experiences. Every person who has siblings knows – this is not always easy to do. But what one of us can't do, the other makes up for.



"I like being around people and enjoy working closely with our guests to ensure they have an unforgettable stay here. We want to create an atmosphere where you can simply let go and forget about the stress- ful everyday life. After all, a particularly nice aspect of traveling has always been return- ing home, but we hope that our guests won't want to leave at all."

Jan is the empathetic brother, who has a fine sense for people and their needs. He makes sure that your experience at Schmolti's Chalet is special, is available for questions and takes care of all the

concerns of our guests.


Markus is the brother with the big ideas – because only those who dream big can also realize big things. Especially if you put your heart and soul into it.
Markus is an architect and, like his father before him, designed and built the chalet, its furniture and interiors himself. He inherited his passion for the craft. From an early age, the two worked together in the family car- pentry shed.

"I'm convinced that it’s worth taking risks if you plan well ahead. But I also think that's exactly what people appreciate about me. I love to travel and draw great inspiration from it to refine new projects. Schmolti's Chalet is my ultimate passion project. This house was planned and built with so much dedica- tion and I'm happy for everyone who can spend a re- laxing and beautiful time here."


what connects us?

We have been traveling since we were little boys.

Discovering different places, meeting new people and creating memories that last– in short, collecting impressive, authentic experiences has al- ways been important to both of us.

But we've returned home just with as much joy. This feeling of being at home is some- thing we would like to offer our guests at Schmolti's Chalet. However, without the usual obligations that await you when returning home.

our story...

In 2017, our father died in an accident in our forestry. He did not only leave us behind, but also his life project: this property. All of a sudden, we were responsible for two houses, a small farm, eleven sheep and two cats.

And we realized:

There are events in life that are so unpredict- able that they take the ground from under your feet – and for some facets of life you will never be prepared. This was one of them ...

After a year, we began to deal with our legacy.
Thinking of our father and all the heart and soul he put into this project, we wanted to find a way to finish what he started. 
We tinkered, spent countless hours tweaking ideas, working hard to bring them to life, laughing, crying, sweating and celebrating small successes. At all times we were supported by our family, friends and neighbours – and without them all this would have never been possible.

It’s true, the more time passes the more memories fade. We are trying to preserve some of them.

Because this house keeps them alive, lets them grow, fills the rooms with warmth and immortalizes the invisible imprints of those who have walked over the heavy parquet. This is how we have continued to think about our dad's life's work – and after 5 years, we finally opened its doors to invite new people in. To create new memories.

Es stimmt, manche Erinnerungen verblassen, je mehr Zeit verstreicht. Wir haben es als unsere Aufgabe angesehen, einige davon zu bewahren.


... it would be lovely,
if you became part of our story too.

2022 JM Locations GesbR, All rights reserved

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